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What does it mean to be B Corp

  1. Lo stato dell’arte dell’ecosistema e gli impatti sulla società umana 

a) Antropocene (Cambiamento climatico, perdita di biodiversità e iper inquinamento) 

b) L’impatto socio economico 

  1. Il ruolo delle aziende (fornitore di soluzioni ai bisogni sociali) 

a) l’evoluzione delle società 

b) Il processo di valore aggiunto per gli stakeholders 

  1. La nascita del paradigma delle B.corp e delle benefit corporation 

a) Che cosa sono le b corp e come nascono 

b) la forma giuridica delle società benefit 

c) il ruolo del movimento B corp 

  1. Misurare gli impatti della propria azienda – (B Impact Assesment) 

a) se non è misurabile non esiste 

b) come è strutturato il B Impact Assessment 

c) il vantaggio di misurare le proprie performance in maniera continuativa 

  1. Il ruolo di un ente di terza parte certificatore 

a) il greenwashing e la falsa pubblicità 

b) l’importanza dell’accreditamento terzo e i suoi vantaggi competitivi 

  1. I vantaggi competitivi della sostenibilità; patire dal perché 

a) perché è imporatante la sostenibilità 

b) l’efficienza è alla base 

c) il legame consequenziale tra Governance-Sociale ed Ambiente 

  1. Esempio aziendale 
  1. Da dove si può iniziare? 

Eco-design: Strutturare la value chain in modo che sia completamente circolare nell’utilizzo dei materiali e dei processi. 

Delivering RJC certification with digital efficiency

It’s core theme will be modernisation and digital transformation of thinking and systems inside a global industry membership and certification body, and the positive impact that has on building international sustainable supply chains. 

The content will be our authentic transformation story. We aim to provide inspiration and reassurance to the audience who may be going through change themselves. 

We will include a mini case study on our certification process and that case study will include the role of technology and people in transforming the certification process to make it more efficient. 

We will end with a conversation between Sonnet and Andreea where they will share their key learning and practical tips for the audience to take away. 

Bulk Metallic Glasses and Precious Metals: Progress on the Issues

Bulk Metallic glasses are a relatively novel class of materials. They exhibit hardness at least twice as high as conventional alloys, high elasticity, lower casting temperatures, minimal shrinkage on casting and thermoplastic formability. In short, more wear-resistant jewellery can be cast in near-net-shape or processed like plastics. Gold-, platinum- and palladium-based bulk metallic glasses are of significant interest for jewellery. However, several alloys undergo abnormally fast tarnishing, and the conditions for forming a metallic glass often conflict with hallmarking requirements. Progress on these issues is discussed, and an outlook on the future of these materials for jewellery is presented.

Platinum based bulk metallic glasses for jewelry applications Copia

The paper presents a new class of metallic platinum alloys with very different properties compared to
conventional platinum alloys. Precious based bulk metallic glasses (BMG) are interesting materials for
jewelry and watch making applications due to their special properties such as high as-cast hardness,
good corrosion resistance, and outstanding surface quality. However, high critical cooling rates are
required to achieve amorphous solidification, which implies challenges for their manufacturing. So far
such alloys were only melted under laboratory condition and could not have been produced by
industrial investment casting. Instead, they are cast in metallic molds, which strongly limits the
geometric complexity of cast parts.
This paper, for first time demonstrates the successful investment casting into conventional ceramic
molds, which allows a much more flexible production of BMG parts, thereby enabling the application
in the jewelry and watch industry. The present work focuses on the process development for
investment based casting of Pt-P-Cu based BMGs in order to allow for jewelry casting on an industrial
scale. The results of centrifugal and vacuum-die casting applied for two different alloys are presented.
One of the alloys contains 74wt% Platinum and shows a high glass forming ability, whereas the other
alloy has 85wt% Platinum with a significantly less glass forming ability. Cast filigree jewelry parts with
an outstanding surface quality and extremely high elasticity have been demonstrated.

Small scale mokume gane process 

This paper will showcase the history and technique of mokume gane. From the beginnings in feudal 
Japan to it’s use as a jewelry material by modern smiths around the world, mokume gane is a demanding 
technique that even those well versed in jewelry metals struggle with. This presentation will illustrate the 
beginnings of mokume gane, and the techniques used daily by two of the most prolific makers of quality 
mokume gane in the world. Scientific method will be stressed, rather than scientific testing. This paper and  general jewelry skills will allow you to make mokume gane like the experts. 

Jewellery alloys in the 21st century

There is a strong perception in our traditionally conservative industry that nothing much has changed over the years in terms of precious metal alloy compositions for jewellery application. A little reflection suggests that is not true. There has been change – significant change – and change continues to happen. 

In this presentation, the changes in precious metal jewellery alloys that have occurred in recent times will be examined, notably in meeting the needs of the manufacturing processes in current use and improving the service performance of jewellery. It will highlight the advances that have been made and some deficiencies that still need to be addressed. It will be noted that some alloy technology developments, interesting as they are technically, have not led to commercial success and possible reasons for this are discussed.  

Those of you familiar with my work in the jewellery technology sector will know that gold tends to be a dominant interest among all the precious metals, but all the important jewellery precious metal alloys – silver, gold and platinum – will be addressed in a balanced way. In talking about such alloys, they must be placed into context regarding changes in manufacturing processes and innovative jewellery design, as well as legislative constraints. The former includes the growing interest in powder- based technologies and use of CAD/CAM whilst the latter includes precious metal content and alloying limitations due to factors such as health and safety, of which nickel and cadmium are examples that impact alloy design.  

To conclude the presentation, this overview will lead on to a look into the future! What further alloy developments can be anticipated against the background of changing regulations, social climate and the introduction of new manufacturing processes as well as improved properties? Will a new class of alloys – bulk metallic glasses or shape memory alloys, for example – find commercial interest?  

Binder jet technology: applications and comparison with existing jewellery production techniques

Binder Jet technology is quickly gathering interest in the world of precious and non-precious jewellery production although it is less known than Selective Laser Melting and other additive manufacturing techniques. Naturally, with every new and disruptive technology a list of doubts and questions arise about its viability and comparison with the known methods of production.  

The presentation is focused on introducing Binder Jet technology in its applications for jewelry making and showing results from almost one year of use of 3D binder jet printers at our laboratories in Bressanvido, Italy. Our practical experiences of testing and production using it will be shared during the presentation, in comparison with other better known technologies.  

Binder Jet – functioning and working

Metal Jet technology represents a new approach to metal powder additive manufacturing of metal parts: well established and proven across several industrial sectors for production of stainless steel-based applications, Metal Jet is currently being introduced to the world of jewellery and fashion industry to unlock and open up new opportunities and manufacturing options. This presentation will deal with the concepts behind binder jetting, the enabling processes and unique applications of a Metal Jet printer. 

Additive Manufacturing

3D Printing in the jewellery industry, an in-depth review of the technologies past, the present and it’s possible future directions

ABSTARCT This research and presentation is intended to act as a guide to inform all sectors of the jewellery industry, from educators to designers and from jewellery manufacturers of all types to the artisan hobbyist

The paper will cover the development and use of of 3D Printing in the jewellery industry, it will also discuss in some detail the current ‘state of the art’ and finally take an in-depth look at the future. A future where we can expect to see innovative new technologies on the horizon that could transform some aspects of jewellery design and manufacture from the more traditional use of 3D Printing into the world of Additive Manufacturing in the global Jewellery Industry