Andrea Friso
Product Division Manager – Legor Group S.p.A. – Bressanvido VI – IT
Andrea Friso performs at Legor Group S.p.A. as Sales Division Manager of Master Alloys. Materials engineering graduated in 2003, he starts his cooperation with Legor Group in 2004 by writing his graduation thesis about �innovatively colored gold alloys�. He is the company business role operating between sales force, production and R&D, relying upon matured professional experience on the different product types and their positioning on different markets. He supports sales forces on commercial planning and the achievement of objectives together with their periodic control. He cooperates with the technical and R&D dept. as for development, enhancement and promotion of products.
This piece aims to concentrate on a few fundamental aspects as to why the plastic deformation of an alloy is so important in the gold smithery production world and then exemplify typical errors which occur in production, triggering a chain of problems which are difficult to correct at the end of the process. The aim of this piece is to accompany participants along a few logical paths they may find useful for thinking over certain cause/effect aspects pertaining to the plastic deformation production process. One of the most common cases of defects in mechanical processing is obtaining semi-finished products with fragility or residual tension issues, with individual or a combination of causes and which may sometimes be difficult to pin-point. On average, current processes are also more complex than even a decade ago, due to their greater complexity or more stringent quality controls.
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